Crypta Interview: When you have a band that only has female members, other women feel inspired to play as well, and consequently the female heavy metal scene increases.

I was never one of those people who were impressed when a woman plays an instrument or when she sings. Since I am not interested in male, female, homosexual, or whatever their sexual inclination is. Since the first thing that comes to mind when I listen to a band. It's about the music and if everything contains good, average or bad ideas. Then you can decide the path of the music and with this, you have the first production of the novel band called Crypta, where ex-members from Nervosa such as Fernanda Lira and Luana Dametto. They joined Sonia Anubis and Tainá Bergamaschi to launch their first production called "Echoes of the Soul" under the Austrian label Napalm Records. Where the detail to mention about this new band is about the departure of Fernanda and Luana from Nervosa and then the idea of ​​continuing with a new line-up in this project, as well as Prika de Nervosa's decision to continue with that band with new members. It is a point in favor of these three musicians because it gave them the necessary breath they needed for their music will be positioned in 2021.


Tainá Bergamaschi (guitar)

DARGEDIK: Welcome Tainá to the Dargedik webzines pages, it's a great pleasure to talk to you about Crypta and the new album “Echoes of the Soul”. What motivated you to have a band like Crypta with only female members? And what are the greatest strengths that Crypta has in the Death / Thrash Metal world? 

CRYPTA: Helo! First of all, thank you so much for the invitation! When I joined Crypta, the band was already made up of women only. I have no intention of creating music projects and deciding whether to put men or women. I want to play with whoever wants to be dedicated to it. However, there are already many men-only bands out there, and when you have a band that only has female members, other women feel inspired to play as well, and consequently the female heavy metal scene increases. We got a very large audience at the beginning of the band, which is very gratifying. In the band, we have different influences within death metal, which contributed to creating a more diverse album and thus having a wider audience. 

DARGEDIK: For you, do you think that the sound made by Crypta into the first album has a personal sound for being made by women? Coz at the advertising level, a band made by women is a little more attractive for the media and fans too. What do you think of this advertising focus mostly on female bands in recent years? 

CRYPTA: There are a lot of female metal bands out there but few are recognized yet, so this is still something ''new'' at festivals, people are still curious and naturally it attracts audiences. 

Sonia Anubis (guitar)

DARGEDIK: Crypta is a band that grows very fast compared to others bands, for you, what is the most representative thing that Crypta has and the other bands haven’t it? Coz since this “Echoes of the Soul” the band signed with Napalm Records. One of the biggest labels in the world. Did it have anything to do with the fact that Fernanda and Luana were previously on that label with Nervosa? 

CRYPTA: When Fernanda sent an email to the label announcing the departure of Nervosa they said that before finalizing any contract, they wanted to hear our music first. So when we announced Crypta, they wanted to sign right away. 

DARGEDIK: Into the subject of the other band members, it almost always happens that one comes to Crypta coz they belonged to a band like Nervosa and Burning Witches. Do you think this affects Crypta's personal path? or do you think it is a point in favor of the band having people with experience? Coz many times, the press focuses on the journey of known people 

CRYPTA: Of course not, we have a lot of fans who knew the girls from Nervosa or Burning Witches, and when they left these fans kept following them with Crypta, which is really cool. 

Luana Dametto (drums)

DARGEDIK: I see into the descriptions of the band in this "Echoes of the Soul". You are the lead guitarist in Crypta. Were you entirely in charge of the songwriting process? Or was it a job shared by all members? If not, who was responsible for composing the songs? 

CRYPTA: I'm not the lead guitarist for the band, we both do the same guitar work. When I joined the band we already had almost all the songs for the album, so it's quite varied. There are riffs by Sonia, Fernanda and Luana and some by me there. We all write together, but by the time I arrived, the record had fewer compositions of my own. 

DARGEDIK: Signed with Napalm Records is a great achievement for Crypta. Another striking detail is Wes Benscoter did the cover of "Echoes of the Soul". How did you contact Wes for the cover? And did you let him take over the cover? o Did you give him suggestions for the cover art? 

CRYPTA: We knew exactly what we wanted for the cover so we delivered the idea in writing for Wes to do. Some things were his creation like the demons. 

Fernanda Lira (bass and vocals)

DARGEDIK: Brazil was the country where the Latin sound was created in the 80s. Did anyone think to add those wild and raw elements that have bands like Sarcofago, Vulcano, Krisiun, and more into the Crypta music? And what do you think of Valhalla who has been making Death Metal since the late 80s? perhaps they influenced you to pick a guitar and formed a band. 

CRYPTA: We love Valhalla and this has definitely been an inspiration for us. The band does have old-school death metal influences, and for me personally, Krisiun, Sepultura, Vulcano, Sarcofago are all great influences. 

DARGEDIK: Another detail is about the listening methods of the fans because this new generation prefers to listen to a song or two on digital platforms. What do you think about the albums doesn’t having the same impact compared to the 80s and 90s? And what are your solutions to improve the listening of all the songs on the albums? 

CRYPTA: Obviously the impact is not the same on record and vinyl sales compared to 30 years ago. It may be relative, for example, I have a friend that doesn't listen to music on YouTube, Spotify, Deezer. At the release of our album, he said he was going to buy the cd and listen to it on his radio. In general, I don't think it hinders anything, on the one hand, it helps a lot more people to have access to bands wherever they are from. 

DARGEDIK: Today, how do you see the situation of the bands in the face of this new pandemic, how is this pandemic affecting musicians, bands, and the staff behind the curtain? Because these days most of the bands live with shows or gigs in different parts of the world. 

CRYPTA: It's affecting everyone, no doubt about it. We are already going for two years with no festivals, no shows whether big or small, not just as musicians but all those who work behind the stage. For bands that are releasing their music now, we have the internet, of course, which as mentioned earlier, streaming platforms are used a lot these days, more than physical copies. But going without shows really affects us a lot more. Hope we can come back soon. 

DARGEDIK: Well, Tainá, the sad moment arrives at this interview, I hope you enjoyed this one as I did, thank you very much for your time. Congratulations on the new album, take care of our best wishes from this part of the world. Any last words for your Latin American fans and Dargedik readers? 

CRYPTA: Thanks again for this invitation, for giving us space to talk about our work, it means a lot. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this interview, and to those who are following us. Stay safe, stay metal!

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